Melbourne. Lovely, wonderful Melbourne.
My second week in Australia was a vast improvement over the first. Perhaps I was finally adjusted to the time change and the climate, perhaps I was starting to live a more moderate backpacker lifestyle. Or, and I'm leaning this way, perhaps Melbourne is just a fabulous city full of fabulous people!
Designers, beware: if you come to Melbourne, you may never want to leave. For Melbourne is to australia what Montreal is to Canada; the 'cultural capital'. Full of galleries artists and art students, home to a centrally located and reputable design center, and a thriving design community.
In fact, the city's personality bore a
striking resemblance to Montreal's. The population of each city is about identical at 3.5 mil, each city is the smaller sibling of the country's BIG city that is
relatively close, geographically speaking (Mtl > To = 5hour drive Syd > Melb = 9hours) and yet NOT the capital city, which would be Canberra. (and Canberra, I'm told, is a small purpose built city - much like our very own Ottawa.) AKA, Melbourne has a superiority complex that is actually a veiled inferiority complex. The city has a main natural feature (the yarra river) that is bordered by many natural parks as it runs through various parts of the city. Finally, Melbourne is home to an avid community of sports fans supporting the local faves: cricket and
aussie-rules. (read: go habs go!)
The city feels very modern. Because it is a relatively young city; founded in 1835 with rapid growth due to the goldrush in 1850s, you can clearly see evidence of urban planning in the wide streets, open spaces, and post-1900s architecture that is amazingly well preserved (argh, damn that warm climate!). This is one 'modern' city, complete with trams: love the trams!! I visited the Ian Potter National Gallery of Victoria, housing a great Sydney Nolan temporary exhibit, then - upon recommendation from a boookshop employee in fitzroy - I explored the side alleys just opposite the gallery to discover a stunning display of various styles of graffiti art.
I was staying in
Fitzroy, an area full of cool pubs/bars/clubs, retro & designer boutiques, galleries, bookstores, and OF CORSE, young aussie hipsters. My hostel was The Nunnery, a very relaxed place with beautiful old architectural detailing both inside and out, and a
slightly older crowd, which made me feel a bit more at home.

Again, met some great
people. Aofie, Hazel, and Denise, my hilarious Irish roomies who ruined the next 9 months of Coronation street for me, (Oh heavens, the plot twists!! You won't believe!!!) Then brits Emma and Rachel, who took me in as one of their own. David, the smooth french roommate (ahh, not
that smooth, ladies.) Random locals who hit on us at bars with a bizarre mix of bravado and indifference. The feisty irish gal we met at Bar Open, Sonya (seen in the image at R carrying away aofie). The canadian girl we also met at Bar Open who tried to convince me, somewhat successfully, that facebook is a CIA initiative designed to create a detailed database of the worlds youth, complete with lists of their friends and pictures of their vacations. Hmmm.

If you're ever in Melbourne, do check out a bar in St Kilda (somewhat snooty beach area) called The Esplanade Hotel, aka, "
The Espy". It's a big old hotel converted into a big bar with 4 stages that are ALL occupied as of 6pm every night. Bored of drum beats? Check out the soul band in the next room! Also, beautiful view of the sunset on the water for a post-beach
schooner of beer.
Okok, I know this is getting long, but I just have so much to say about Melbourne!!
Discoveries...- I have a weakness for cute sundresses and clothing sales (duh) and an as of recently undiscovered talent for packing. (It still closes!!)
- The famous tiny penguins
can be seen at Phillips Island, a trip I do recommend, but can ALSO be seen at the pier in St Kilda for 60$ less. AKA, for free. Dont use flash photography, it may kill the penguins. I just used an uber sensitive camera, I swear to god.

- EVERYONE thinks you speak french or ARE french if you come from Montreal / Quebec. I'm not quite sure why this surprises me, but it does.
- Feeding wallabies (in the pic) and kangaroos is awesome, but watch those roos cause they're greedy buggers with sharp-ish nails on their hands.
- Beware the dreaded
drop-bear. LOL.
- Watching hundreds of fruit bats fly 10 feet above your head at sunset is wild.
- Do YOU know what a capsicum is?
Timtams are sooo good, but a curiously messy, melty cookie for such a warm climate.